Friday, January 31, 2014

Day 2 in Scotland

Hey everyone!!!!

This is my 2nd day in Scotland! Today we had class in the morning and then went right off to visit Edinburgh Castle.  The first hour of our day Edinburgh was fine, but then the winds picked up big time! I could swear the temp dropped 20 degrees. The wind was so strong that it would start pushing you around. On top of that it started hailing! Hailing... in January! It stayed pretty windy for the rest of the day with a few sprinkle showers here and there.

So about two hours ago, after walking around Edinburgh and having dinner, we decided to head back to Dalkeith Palace. Here comes the fun part, we thought the bus we were taking back, would take us back to where it picked us up.... Not true, not true at all! Right as we thought the bus was heading back to Dalkeith the bus driver came up to us and told us "This is the final stop, you have to get off now". So we were forced to get off and right as we were heading to catch the other '3' bus it drove right past the bus stop! I mean, really dude!? Apparently us standing at the bus stop waiting for him wasn't good enough for him. So we had to walk for a bit until we found another bus stop. So about half an hour later we found a bus stop and FINALLY got back to the Dalkeith. It was not a fun experience at all, cold+windy+nighttime+country you've never been to before= NOT COOL!!!

Anyways, that was today's adventure! Much more to come!

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