Sunday, February 2, 2014

Day 4 in Scotland

Hey everyone!

So today was interesting, yet fun.  We had to do this "amazing race" thing where we went all around Edinburgh looking for various landmarks and such. It was all going great in the beginning but our group soon became slightly dysfunctional. Right when we were about to complete the quiz section of the race, we ended up losing two of our group members at the National Museum...the worst part is that they were the ones who had the packet with the quiz. Let's just say annoyance levels elevated immensely. So to calm down the nerves we stopped by Biblos (I call it Bilbos, cause that's what I thought it was called the first time I saw it), and had a small drink. As we were enjoying our drinks we saw our two missing group members walking on the other side of the street, so we went outside and called them over so we could complete the quiz. All was well in the end, thankfully.

After we returned to the Dalkeith, there was a women from Scotland that taught us the moves to various dances that take place during a Céilidh. It was interesting one could say. The room that the lesson was taking place in was quite small and there are a lot of us so we were constantly running into one another.

To top off the night a few of us ITC students when to Maysons to watch the Super Bowl. Typical Americans, right? Anyways, it was a boat load of fun. I also had a very intense conversation about music and concerts with Tarrah and Dakota, it's always great talking with others about your love of music. To top all of that off the Seahawks won!!! Life is good people.

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